Wednesday, June 16, 2010


9 YEARS!!!

You know what they say. A good draft horse can pull an average of 4,000 pounds, but two pulling together can move upwards of 15,000 pounds. It's synergy people!

Out of all the men out there, thanks for choosing me, honey! I love you.

Now let's lean into that harness and PULL!


Annie said...

You'd have to understand there are 4 Tater tots under age 8 to get the significance of this analogy, eh?
Would that be 15,000 pounds of diapers that you all will have changed?
(hope that doesn't dampen the romantic feel here)
Go Team Tate!!!!!

The Sauce said...

This is sweet, Josh.

Word Verification? "thssa"

Permit me to rephrase my comment. Aw. Anniversary love to Sarah? THSSA SO SWEEEEET.