Saturday, October 16, 2010


I was asked my opinion recently about something in the news, and although I have a clear, well-reasoned opinion on the matter I sidestepped the whole issue and changed the topic. The reason for dodging the debate/discussion was not that it was touchy or controversial, in fact I think the person asking already knew my position, or at minimum could have deduced it if he had tried. And it wasn’t for fear of damaging a relationship that I looked for the exit either. No, it wasn’t that at all. The truth was that I had simply grown tired of the sound of my own voice. It seems that my days are full of debate and discussion, and sometimes I just wish for relationships that were easier and required less diplomacy. It would be refreshing to have a group to retreat to that sees things as I do, like-minded. Maintaining a posture of persuasion is a taxing business. Even ships have their harbor, but at times I feel constantly at sea, and a choppy sea at that. So with no harbor in sight I’ve got to pace myself. You can’t turn the bow into every storm that presents itself. So sometimes I give the command, “Right full rudder, give me every inch of canvas!,” and I let her run before the storm. “I’m going below for some shut eye.”

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