Friday, May 28, 2010


After I finished my coursework tonight I went for a midnight walk. I think of these times at the end of the day, after the rest has been carved up for all things purposeful and productive, as scraps of waste material. Like the two and a half inches of a 2x4 left on the floor of a workshop.
Nothing remarkable happened on my walk, but it felt good to stretch my legs beneath the nearly full moon.
The sprinklers.

Walking with an MP3 player is kind of like stepping into a music video. It affects how I walk.
I found this Domino's sign at the dump about a month ago and it has been magnetically attached to the camp's truck ever since.
I walked into town, but except for a scrawny looking coyote, scurrying across North Circle I was the only creature wandering the streets.
Amazingly, even though it was past midnight, Nature's Wisdom was still open. At first I thought that whoever had closed up must have forgotten to turn the lights out and take in the "OPEN" sign, but out of curiosity I went up and tried the door. The owner, Anna, was inside making some curried lentil soup and thought she might as well be open in case some hungry person with disposable income might happen by.

"You never know."

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