Wednesday, January 5, 2011


 In January, the sun shines and sparkles across snowed-over fields. drifted roads, frozen lakes and the woods etched in white. On January nights, the moon stares unblinking on a quiet, shimmery, silver world. It is beautiful in a way that few other months can rival.

I think If all the months became women, January would easily be one of the most striking, but also perhaps the least approachable. January is the white lady- the purest of winter months. She is white upon white and her laughter is like the tinkling of a falling icicle. She is so pure and unsullied. Her lines are so clean. Everything about her is other-worldly and sparkling white, but she is not warm and generous. She is not comfortable to be around. She is a cold woman.

The white lady would catch the eye to be sure, but I don’t think that many men would be bold enough to pursue her. Men would respond to her presence by dressing their heart in layers, for January is not kind, or helpful, or caring, or loving, or charitable, but she is pretty. Yes, she’s that.

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