Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me begin by saying what a true pleasure it is to be guest-hosting my brother's blog while he is away with Sadie on vacation. I'm sure if you read this blog it is because you know Josh - so I imagine I need not wax on too much about what a great man he is. Josh has 3 brothers (and is father to 3 brothers interestingly enough) and I view it as one of my life's greatest honors and pleasures to count myself in that number.

I will endeavor to keep this "home" of Joshua's bummer-free, quasi-informative and perhaps with a bit of Green Mountain flavor. I'll be in the "milking room" if anyone needs me


MomZup said...

Where was this treasure trove? Such a thought out plan at 13!

Beth said...

This is awesome.

Josh Tate said...

It just looks like a lot of work to me now.

Abigail said...

That's exactly what I thought as I looked at it. That's enough work for one man, his wife, his four children, and then for a house full of ranch hands, to boot!

I loved this.