Obama has solved the illegal immigration problem. That's right, Jan Brewer, he did it, so you can just shut your trap. According to a new study by the Pew Hispanic Center the number of immigrants entering the U.S. illegally has dropped from 850,000 a year to 300,000, and the number of individuals residing illegally in the U.S. has dropped from 12 to 11 million. Ever since taking office two years ago conservatives have painted Obama as being soft on the border and the enforcement of immigration laws, but Obama has seemingly done what miles of fences, an army of border agents, and racial profiling failed to do. How has he done it? By killing the host! Brilliant! The same study cites America's bleak job market as the most likely cause for the change in immigration numbers. Conservatives need to prove themselves fairminded and give credit where credit is due. Let me be the first- Congratulations President Obama! You and your fiscal policies have turned America into a barren, unproductive wasteland, and by sapping the nation's vigor you have ingeniously brought closure to the illegal immigration debate. I would never have thought of that. Kudos! My hat is off to you, sir.
Why do I even read your political posts? :)
You're killing me.
I'm not sure, Beth. You know it's gonna rub you the wrong way. I did kind of suck you in with a misleading post title. You probably thought you and Justin had made a convert out of me. Not yet.
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