My sandals are no more. I was giving a tour to a prospective guest group last Saturday when they decided to give up the ghost. I know that is kind of unprofessional. I don't typically give tours in flip-flops, but my broken collar bone made the putting on and taking off of other footwear impractical. It was kind of embarassing. I'm afraid I must have cut kind of a pathetic figure hobbling around the camp with one sandal on, the other barefoot, and my arm in a sling, wincing at every odd step on account of my broken collar bone. Let the record show that
I predicted this was how the sandals would meet their end. The strap, you know, the one that goes between your toes, it snapped. Most sandals fail in this way. There's good money to be made by some ambitious inventor if a cost-effective way can be found to rectify this basic design flaw which virtually all flip-flops share. I'm not exactly sad about it though. As far as sandals go they had a pretty good run- 425 days to be exact. I
originally purchased this pair for thirteen yankee greenbacks so that works out to about three cents a day. I feel like I got my money's worth out of 'em.

the Champlain Boat Shoes are also showing considerable wear. A hole has appeared on the side of my right instep through which pebbles and such work their way in. The Champs had the bad luck to enter my shoe line up at a time when my footwear consisted of my sandals and three pairs of clunky boots. That means they were instantly promoted to captain of the footwear and got the start under all circumstances- whether going to church or stepping put for a hike with the kids the Champs were my go to shoes, and all the work has finally started to catch up with them. This week I made the difficult decision to promote
The Mallards to Captain of the footwear ahead of The Champs. They just weren't getting it done anymore. They'll continue to see limited action, but, sadly, they're no longer captain material.

One nice thing about being laid up with a broken collar bone is that I have been able to spend more time puttering around the house in my slippers,
which I received as a birthday gift from Sarah last January. Slippers are wonderful in general, and these specific slippers are definitely top shelf.
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