Saturday, June 25, 2011

The woods round about are full of screaming savages. Intent on murder, they are. Heartless as demons, hungry and howling, they circle the defenses just beyond the tree-line in the eerie half-light. Thick as flies on a carcass. They are the hunter's hounds, and these walls and defenses, are like the refuge a bear might find up a tree. The hunter will follow the hounds. Then what?


The Fredricksons: Brian, Britney, Salty, and Benji said...

I saw this on craigslist and thought of you, my friend.

Oh, and I think the 2 people who do not like beets should be taken behind Fairway Market and beeted. You know, like stoned, but with beets.

Josh Tate said...

Wow! That's all I can say about that. Wow! I assume Brian is going?