Monday, September 6, 2010


"Julia Roberts had this big vein that kept popping out, and for some reason I was fixated on that."Middle aged woman in conversation with five other woman of like age who all work together at the local elementary school.

"...and she said 'What's that over by the easel?' and there was this huge puddle. She looked at me like I had put it there."
Same group of women.

"Okay, I'll order you a chicken tostado (sic) a la carte"
Same group of women one of whom was talking on her cell phone with another individual individual who was late arriving at the restaurant.

"...and a beer"
Added a second woman who was listening in on the above phone conversation.

"He looked kinda like Charlie Brown."
Same group of women, one of whom was speaking about the appearance of a baby she knew.

"Getting paid is good. I like that."
At another table a middle aged woman speaking sarcastically to a man of like age.

"She'll be pushing up daisies and I'll be spitting on her grave."
Elderly woman speaking to a group of friends (family?) who all nodded their heads in agreement.

"Men see in a beautiful woman what they want to see. It's always been that way and that's how it's always gonna be."
Unattractive middle aged woman to a slightly more attractive woman of like age who grunted in cryptic fashion and looked at the first woman in a sad, sympathetic way while nodding her head in agreement with the statement, but possibly not its application in that particular case (the grunt was meaningful but cryptic- hard to interpret the interpersonal nuances of this one). I was passing their table on my way back from the bathroom so I didn't have any context to help flesh out the quote.


LeoLee said...

... and a Godly woman can show a man what he needs to see. That's how it needs to be.

The Sauce said...

Best Overheard's ever, Tate. Love that it's a narrative.
When I come to CA, please take me to this restaurant.