Saturday, March 2, 2013


In 1632 a party of explorers under the command of Captain Fullfield left the safety of their ship to replenish their food suplies by hunting in the primeval forest that crowded the shoreline. In a beech forest above a brackish tidal river they found a mysterious circular stone structure approximately thirty feet in diameter. It was 20 feet tall, with walls three feet thick and so tightly stacked that first mate, Digby Winship, would later write that, "It was quite impossible to insert a beech leaf between the stones." No door could be found to access the interior of the tower so they felled a nearby sapling so that it made a  crude sort of ladder by which they were able to climb to the top. The interior of the mysterious tower was found to be empty. Successive generations would raid the tower as a ready source of stone for cellar holes and foundations so that today it's exact location has been lost along with any ability to discern who built it and why.

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