Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Sarah and the kids are out of town this week, and I miss them. I have always been the kind of guy who is perfectly happy being alone, in fact, for most of my life I have preferred it, but I don't know what to do with myself anymore when Sarah and the kids go away. I just wish they were back.

For some reason, I have trouble sleeping when they're gone. I keep waking up at night, and unable to go back to sleep, I watch TV or go for walks. I have taken to sleeping on the couch in front of the TV. Its ceaseless chatter helps me sleep, and the bed is altogether too big without Sarah. The couch is a better fit.

The days drag by more slowly when they're gone, and although I have more discretionary time without the kids in tow I actually accomplish less. I feel listless and unsatisfied, dull and lazy. The day starts wrong and ends wrong.

I don't want for company. I want for their company. I wish they were back.

1 comment:

The Sauce said...

Aw Joshua. I don't have a family yet but I think I understand. Alone time is one thing, and I imagine that it's a challenge to carve that out--for both you and Sarah, I'm sure, somehow, for your sanity & your collective welfare, manage that. But their absence probably feels very alien, huh. Too much free time inspires in me total lethargy and a kind of ennui, embarrassingly enough. Less free time means I accomplish so much more. But the missing them-not needing company in the abstract, but missing those 5- is such a unique void. It's THEREFORE -here's the good news--an easy fix: I hope they're back soon!! (you like how I informed you that I didn't have a family yet? like you didn't know that). :)