Wednesday, August 11, 2010


The computer started this morning.

I know! What a capricious jerk, right?

It hasn't started for weeks, but this morning it fired right up like nothing was ever amiss. It felt kind of like when you have had a big fight with somebody, and the next day, when you see them again, they try to act all normal like the fight never happened. I told the computer I wanted to talk about it, but do you know what it said? It just said that it had an update, and asked if I wanted to download it right then or if I wanted it to remind me later.

I see how we are, computer. Two can play at this game. Just remind me later I guess.

I've decided never to turn it off again.


LeoLee said...

You might find that bad for computer though if you never turn it off. maybe it just needed a vacation bcuz you never let it sleep?

The Fredricksons: Brian, Britney, Salty, and Benji said...

Our desktop is the same way! We stopped using it for like a year, and it seems to be better, with only minor hitches every now and then. I guess a good ole time out was all it needed!

The Sauce said...

Dude. I don't why the news contained in this post was anything but redundant or self-evident for me considering I've spent the last 20 minutes catching up on your posts (from most recent backwards, meaning it is clear you've had access to a computer, you've been blogging, son!), but this still makes me go "yeah". And yeah, if you give me a choice between reminding me again in 24 hours or 2 weeks, we're always gonna default to 2 weeks. Just don't shut off for a month again. That got awkward; I was addressing my laptop but at the end there, that was a mandate for yours. You dig. So glad!!