Sunday, December 26, 2010


Stinker the Tinker is an elf whose job it is to slip down the chimney ahead of Santa on the night before Christmas and case the joint to make sure that no naughty boys or girls are still awake trying to catch a glimpse of the jolly old elf. He creeps through the house peeking into every bed and if everyone is asleep he gives the all clear to Santa.

But before Stinker the Tinker scurries back up the chimney he always drops a deuce in the toilet. Elves poop gumdrops. Did you know that? Well, now you do.

Stinker the Tinker,
That mischievous elf,
Left a gift in the toilet,
He made it himself!

I'm pretty proud of Stinker the Tinker. I hope this goes down as my contribution to Christmas lore. Perhaps years from now supermarkets will sell little bags of Elf poo at the end of their aisles.

"Honey, did you buy Stinker the Tinker's gumdrops?"

"No. I thought you got them! That's alright I think I have some jelly beans around here somewhere.."

"Jelly beans! What's wrong with you. Everyone knows that elves poop gumdrops! NOT JELLY BEANS!!! You'll just have to drive out to the store and get a bag."


"Yes, really, it wouldn't be Christmas without a visit from Stinker the Tinker."

And perhaps someday someone will research the obscure origins of Stinker the Tinker and will find this very post as the very first reference ever made to his existence. This is the birth of an exciting new tradition. Embrace it America! Embrace it!


Griffen said...

Stinker is TOTALLY pooping in our toilet next Christmas eve.

MomZup said...

Joshua Bowden Tate~ You are way over the top here. . .and I am flush with pride and excitement.

MomZup said...

fruit or spice?

Josh Tate said...

Well that depends on the elf's diet, Mom.

LeoLee said...

Brilliant. I wish I pooped gumdrops.

The Fredricksons: Brian, Britney, Salty, and Benji said...

Hahaha! I love this :)

Anonymous said...

I totally would have done this! All we had here was the MESSY tooth fairy, who left a trail of glitter to the windowsill. Karen V.

Sherry said...

Oh I so wish my kids were young again...

Annie said...

Hey, I found a bag of fruit in my closet and there was none in our stockings, which Santa usually gives us every year. Sarah thought that maybe Stinker did it.
It was then that I "remembered" the gumdrops in my toilet. Told the Tate grandkids and they all nodded knowingly.
I seem to have had a visit from Stinker the Tinker!!!
( good thing Jack had told me about him.)