Wednesday, August 31, 2011


The BFZ will return in all of its glory this coming Sunday (Sept. 4th). That will leave me just 119 days to make my goal of 370 posts in 2011. To date I have posted 188 times so far this year (189 if you include this post). So that means I have to post 181 times in 119 days to make my goal. I got this!!! So stay tuned...regular programming will resume shortly.


The Fredricksons: Brian, Britney, Salty, and Benji said...

I am so excited! I have been waiting..and waiting...and waiting some more. As I'm sure dozens of others have as well. You see, I have no children, and no social life to speak of. That leaves me large amounts of time to cyber sTaLk people. But I much prefer reading my daily dose of BFZ instead. Yea! September is near!

The Fredricksons: Brian, Britney, Salty, and Benji said...

Mr. Josh Tate. Do you subscribe to follow-up comments on my blog? Like after you comment on a post, do you get subsequent comments sent via email? I never know where to respond to your comments on my post.....

Josh Tate said...

I visit your blog and a few others regularly. Just read your follow-up comment.

al'xae said...

Sunday? We must wait all the way to Sunday?! But I want to not be bummed out Now.

Josh Tate said...

I'm a law and order kind of guy! I said Sunday, and so, according to the laws of the Medes and Persians, Sunday it will have to be. I know that the BFZ is good for what ails this troubled land. It is a soothing balm and a salve upon the open wound of so much bummer. I do feel a little cruel witholding it. Perhaps I think too much of myself (C'mon, I think not) but it is as if all of creation is holding its breath in anticipation of the BFZ's joyous return. Tomorrow morning a field mouse will softly exhale in exhausted relief, but it won't know why.