Thursday, July 1, 2010


"...but what will heaven be like?" That was Bowden's voice coming to me from his bed in the darkness.

I quoted 1 Corinthians 2:9 from memory, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him”

"So that means that we can't even imagine what it'll be like. Like we can't even imagine it?!?!"

"That's what I think. It's like trying to imagine a new color or something. Try to imagine a new color, Bowden."

"I can't. I just keep thinking of colors I already know."

“That’s right,” I said, “and that is just like trying to imagine what heaven will be like. All we know is this world, and we just can’t imagine how wonderful it will be. I do know this though. It's gonna be amazing. There won't be anymore sin or death. No more sickness or pain. No more sadness. Everything is going to be perfect- just as God intended it to be, and we will be with God all the time."

"How would you explain a color to somedbody who had never seen it?"

"You mean like to a blind person?"

Oh, yeah, a blind person. Right, 'cause they couldn't have ever seen it."

"You're right. You couldn't really explain it. Their eyes would need to be opened first. Really that's true about heaven and Jesus too though, Bowden. God needs to open a person eyes to see Him first, or they just won't get it. They just won't understand about Jesus and heaven and all of that."

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lisa d said...
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