My dream of incorporating felt board Bible stories into the nightly bedtime ritual with the kids has finally become a reality through the generosity of Dan and Barbara Maring, a couple in our church. After church one day I was talking with them in the parking lot and somehow the topic of felt boards came up. I told them about how I had been pining for a felt board to tell Bible stories at bed time and, as it turns out, she is very involved in a ministry that distributes felt boards on the mission field. The day before Easter they came by the house and surprised us with the most beautiful and amazing felt board set I could have ever imagined.

There are
12 sheets of figures, animals, buildings, tools, weapons, etc...

12 sheets!!! I had to resist the temptation to show photographs of each sheet. Every figure is number coded for easy reference.

The set is called "The Bible in Felt," and it came with a book that tells you which figures go with which story, and helps with suggestions on how to best tell each story. Their is a lot of flexibility and creativity involved in selecting the figures and settign it up, which I really enjoy.

It is incredibly detailed and thorough. I am amazed every night when I pull out the cut outs I will need for that night's story. When I had priced felt board sets like this I had come away discouraged because they were way too expensive. This was a very generous gift!

Having been given the complete set of cut out figures, Sarah and I spent a little bit to get all of the backgrounds and overlays, including the ocean, indoor scene, shoreline, desert, throne room, cobble street/courtyard, prison, cave, and city walls. I am soooooo excited about it, and I am really encouraged by how much the kids enjoy it.

The overlays go right over the backgrounds, and allow enough flexibility that there is virtually no story from the Bible that you can't tell. This is just one example of how it can work.

Now it's a river!

With Mountains in the background.

Or cover up the ocean entirely to create a meadow scene.

I know flanel boards are nothing new, but they really are timeless in their appeal. I think this will be an awesome way to share Bible stories to my kids. I feel tremendously blessed and encouraged that the Marings wanted to invest themselves so generously in the spiritual instruction of my kids. It is good to belong to the body of Christ. I know that this will bring fruit in my children's lives and I am really excited about telling them the old, old story in our nightly time together.
YES! This is so awesome, what a great blessing! I LOVED felt boards as a child, especially the ones in my Saturday School class (we were Seventh Day Adventist). I am so jealous! Now I have to plan a trip down there so I can play with the kiddos and their felt board.
That's awesome! I've never seen a set with that many characters. And I loved felt boards when I was little too.
That's the same set we have for our children's church ministry here. Very nice!
Incredible in size and detail. What fun! Give the Marings a hug from me!
I've never wanted my OWN felt board before... but I have to say - I do now.
How and where can i get a set of felts like this?
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