My two year old, Jack, has a chipmunk finger puppet.

The hole where you put your finger looks a little too much like...well...er...like a lil' chipmunk bottom.

Jack has a track record (or embarassing habit) of calling things like he sees 'em. Like the time Nanny was up for a visit and we were having Italian Sausages for dinner and he loudly asked for a second helping of "penis."
"Oh Jack! Those are sausages! Sau-sa-ges. Not penis!"
The other morning Jack was holding this finger puppet as I was changing his poopy diaper and he said in a confidential whisper what I had been thinking (but never said out loud) ever since the toy entered our home.
"Dat him booty." (Pointing at the finger hole.)
"Dat him stinky booty."
* I apologize for this post.
So funny on so many levels! Parenthood can't be beat. . .it just keeps rolling along. . .I just got a two generation dose!
all I can do is laugh! Oh that Jack, he's such a riot!
I just want to let you know that he freaked out in the bath today because he figured out that he had a hole there, too. He said that there was something there, and nearly crying, asked what it was.
I told him that that was where his poop came from and it was fine, but I was a little shocked that he didn't know.
oh my, poor Jack! Perhaps he was afraid of the tables being turned, against his favor.
You better watch out, he might be wanting to verify your story about that being his poop shoot.
This is one of the main reason your blog wins the best blog so often...
dat him stinky booty.
What's with the apology? I agree with Sharon.
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