With the release of the 2010 NFL schedule I can finally put ink to calendar and nail down the date of this year's HAPPY DAY. This year's HAPPY DAY, observed annually on the day of the first nationally televised Redskins Game, will be on Sunday, September 12th. The Skins will open the season with a nationally televised Sunday night matchup against their arch rivals the Dallas Cowboys. Hail!!!
I can taste the ro-tel already.
I'm looking forward to this year's HAPPY DAY more than normal for a few reasons.

The first is that we have recently bought a grill. How have Sarah and I been married for almost nine years and never owned a grill? It was a cheap $100 grill at Target, but I tried it out last night for the first time and it worked perfectly. I'm confident that on 9/12 it will be smoking, sizzling and sending the most pleasant smells into the air. You should really come! Right?

The second reason I am more excited about this year's HAPPY DAY is that Sarah's Aunt Marlene and Uncle Tony gave us their old TV which was a
BIG improvement over our little TV/VCR combo. Sarah and I always liked our little TV. It was a wedding gift, and it served us well for the past nine years. We certainly wouldn't have replaced it if Tony and Marlene hadn't generously offered us theirs, but now that it is here I am loving the big screen, and I can't wait for football season.

The third reason is that the Redskins are going to win. I can feel it. You should come over. It'll be fun.
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