By my rough estimate we got approximately half a foot of snow overnight. I apologize for all of these photos without human subjects in them. I am always bored with pictures that don't have people in them, and it is a mystery to me why I post so many pictures on this blog that I would find boring if I were looking at them as a visitor.

The Ducks got the start today over the Boat shoes.

It's beautiful, but also a little surprising in late April. So much for April
blooming like a flower, eh?

Early on the kids and I were hopeful that there might not be any school today, but the minutes ticked by as they ate their cereal and toast without any exciting news coming from the school so they dutifully slid into their jackets, shouldered their backpacks, and trudged out to the van.

At least it was a pretty drive to school.

On my way down to the office I set my coffee in the snow so I could take a picture of the sun lighting up the snowscape.

It's like winter just came back to say goodbye. Goodbye winter, I'll see you again in seven months.
Camp Maranatha wears a mantle of snow beautifully! I loved all of your pictures. Thanks for the post. When will the clean up crew be coming for wigwam duty?
It IS pretty - some of your pictures look like postcards. Nice work, Josh.
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