Sunday, October 30, 2011

LETS PLAY ILLUSTRATION- The game where I give you a scenario and you tell me what spiritual analogies can be drawn from it.

Sarah's family owns a home on the harbor in Oxnard, and we like to go there a few times a year for vacation. Several years ago, we were in Oxnard, I believe the occasion was Sarah's birthday, and one of her friends gave her a potted flower for her brithday. It was the sort you find near the checkout at the supermarket. It graced the table as a centerpiece for the duration of our stay, but when we left we were at a loss what to do with it. The mini-van was packed to the gills, and there was barely room for our kids much less a flower pot. I suggested we give it a fighting chance by planting it in the front yard. Sarah agreed so before we left I took a shovel from the garage and transplanted to an empty spot next to the sidewalk. At that time I didn't have much hope that it would survive, but everytime we go back I check on the flower, and I am gratified to see it is still thriving- a spray of color next to the walk.

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