Friday, April 22, 2011

Breaking...Sheriff Lovely seizes BFZ as evidence.


After taking his hat off and using it to solemnly cover his heart, Sheriff Lovely whistled a low whistle and announced that he was seizing the entire BFZ and all its contents as evidence in what he described as an "ongoing" and "widespread" investigation into suspected mismanagement, graft and open corruption at Bobberball's highest levels. "I done had my first suspicions when we done had no 2010 tourn-i-ment. I done never even gots my trophies from the 2009 tourn-i-ment."

"Dagnabit," Sheriff Lovely added.

Reports indicated that the owner of the BFZ, Josh Tate, was away on a high-falooting vacation with his exotic wife in Catalina, California and that Tate has left his brother, Job, in charge of the site. While there were attempts to block the seizure, Sheriff Lovely ultimately gained access to the dashboard where he found Job hurriedly deleting past posts.

"Yep. I found that Tate youngin in there trying to dispose of ev-i-dence. I seen him before. Born cheater that one. He weights," Lovely said, referring to the illegal practice of adding coins or other items to a bobber to keep it from hitting the ceiling...a serious charge.

"This is my site now," Lovely proclaimed loudly. "Ima get to the bottom of this! Yessiree."

as of press time reports that WBA funds were used to fund the trip to Catalina were unconfirmed...but likely.


Josh Tate said...


Oh Sheriff Lovely! The reason you never got those trophies was because of the ongoing investigation into the serious allegations that you used oerformance enhancing drugs during the tournament. The trophy is nice, real purty, and it has your name on it and everything, but until we know for sure that you weren't doping then it's gonna stay in my closet with those books you left here.

Josh Tate said...

Exotic wife? I've always thought of her more as a "Trophy Wife."