Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Before you walked into the room, and took a seat near the door, I was at peace. I was filled with joy. But once I saw you there with that look on your face, and your eyes sliding around the room, I somehow stopped seeing through my own eyes. I even stopped thinking my own thoughts. I looked on the scene anew, as though through your eyes, and, instead of my own mind, I found myself trying to live in yours. I became troubled at what I saw through your eyes. What I saw tempted me to be ashamed of the family.

I decided that was wrong so I put you out of mind, as much as I was able.

It's not that I don't care what you see and what you think, (I actually care about that sort of thing quite a bit. In truth, I care about you quite a bit as well.) but if I am to be at peace I must see through eyes that have been opened and think with a mind that has been renewed. Why would I trade my eyes for yours? Why would I blind myself? I know what darkness looks like. I have seen it before, and I don't find it novel.

 The truth is the truth no matter what angle you look at it from. It is not a matter of perspective. Truth can be embraced or rejected and that is all. Nothing else can be done with truth. So see what the Spirit has given you to see, and think what you will. I'm tired of going to so small and uncomfortable a place as your mind. Such a place I would liberate you from, but not at the cost of being enslaved there myself.


Annie said...

I love it,but the mind I fight to stay out of the most and the eyes I fight against seeing through are my own, those of my carnal man.
You might've meant the same, although I definitely have to fight against the viewpoints of others, and minset of the world as well.

Josh Tate said...

Very true.