Thursday, March 31, 2011


Sarah returned from a WIC appointment for Miles the other day with some amazing news about our little boy*. He's in the 1 percentile for height. One? Yep. One. That means that 99% of kids his age are taller then our wee little Miles. I did a little research and one percentile basically means that he's a leprechaun. I have never noticed that he is so dimunitve, but since hearing this shocking news I have begun comparing him to other toddlers and he is, in fact, kind of wee. L'audace, Miles, toujours l'audace!

* My readership is a more fractious coalition of disparate/divergent interests then a balkan state. Although the BFZ is not truly a "family blog" (What kind of blog is it? I don't know.) I do have to toss the family bloc a bone every once in a while with these posts about the kiddos.


Mary dawson said...

So cute!...the little lad.

Joel Tom Tate said...

Elisabeth is currently in the 3rd percentile. But somewhere between 1 and 2 years of age she had actually dropped off the charts. Yup, she was a negative number. Miles is in good company.