Monday, March 7, 2011


1. That song which goes "Loving you is easy 'cause you're beautiful," does not express a particularly romantic sentiment. It's basically saying that you would be difficult to love if you were less attractive.

2. Either grapes are really good or they're just awful. Same with blueberries. Blueberries are best eaten by the handful. Who eats blueberries one at a time?

3. I wish there was a tree that was heat-pruducing. That would be useful. I guess all trees are heat producing if you burn them. Maybe it would be cooler if there were trees that actually cooled the air- like air-condition trees. Well...I guess they kinda do that too through shade. Trees are heat-producing and cold-producing! Wow!

4. Is there a difference between a bog, a swamp or a marsh? They're probably synonyms, but I don't know.

5. Can moose be domesticated and ridden? How intimidating would a cavalry charge be comprised of several hundred bull moose with their antlers sweeping out in front? That would be awesome! This image in my head makes me wish I was an artist.

6. I wish John Madden would come back out of retirement.

7. It seems odd to me that gold can't be created in a lab.

8. Why does soda cost so much? How much of this $1.75 fountain drink would be pure profit?

5 comments: said...

I eat blueberries one at a time. Just like grapes,skittles, and popcorn, and all of those other small foods you eat by the handful.

My Uncle Lem once told me that a fountain drink cost 19 cents. This was in the late nineties, and I don't know if it included the cup, but he said that fast food places make a killing on their drinks. From experience, though, they are very hard to make at home.

Maybe if we had a lab, it would be easier. Then we could also try to make gold.

MomZup said...

You two just make me laugh! Let's just all stop drinking soda. I will come work in your lab. . .I want to be on the gold crew.

The Fredricksons: Brian, Britney, Salty, and Benji said...

Ah! Brian and I just watched a moose attack show. It'd be soo great if they domesticated them! I just remember I also just read an article in this months Nat Geo's magazine about domesticating wild animals. I think it's a wonderful idea and Alaska is really missing out.

Also, Brian's not home to tell me the exact profit number of fountain sodas, but rest assured it is pretty high.

And lastly, if gold could be lab-created, it would lose appeal and value. Some things are just better left up to the Lord.

The Fredricksons: Brian, Britney, Salty, and Benji said...

Ok, so I checked with my friend in AK, and she said as far as she knows, no one has domesticated a moose. But she said, they are happy with the caribou being domesticated, so why would they bother?

I told her they are really missing out on something great.

The Fredricksons: Brian, Britney, Salty, and Benji said...

I forgot. Per number 4 on your list, the words each draw up different images in my head, so maybe they aren't synonyms exactly, but they are related.

I think of a swamp as something nasty and stinky and green water, with moss all over. And it's foggy. Trees are half-fallen. There are skeeters, too. And definitely alligators.

A marsh just sounds wet and there are frogs croaking. The water isn't as nasty, nor is it stinky.

A bog makes me think of a place where the moss is so thick and dense you can walk on it. It also has croaking frogs.

This might be worth some research.