Wednesday, September 28, 2011


We have new neighbors. A rowdy encampment of the Califonia Conservation Corps has sprung up on the other side of the chain link fence that separates the Tate home from the San Jacinto State Park. We get new neighbors in the State Park just about every weekend, but never have they been so generous or so loud with their overheards. They seem to really enjoy the camaraderie of being part of the CCC and after work they kick back on the picnic tables and hoot and holler over card games. The evening meal is when they really let their hair down and the overheards start flying. Every day they offer up amazing overheards. After work I enjoy pulling a chair up to the fence and listening in on their banter. Frankly, if they were going to continue on as our neghbors I would rename my blog "Overheard" and devote my efforts exclusivley to documenting the cast-off fragments of conversation I am able to catch as they relax after a long day of trail maintenance.

"Man...they was running through the desert like three little wolves looking for cocaine, hookers and s--t!"

"You're scaring me, dawg!"

"Black dudes don't hacky-sack! Especially not with these boots!"

"Don't nobody know stew like I do. NOBODY!"

"Okay, did everybody wash their hands?"

"Where do I need to go to get some doughnuts up in here?"

"At first I was like, 'is that a skunk or some s--t?' but then I was like, nah man, that's you! You nasty, man. Seriously, you nasty. You need to see a doctor or something!"

"Give me a dollar."

"Get yo own dollar!"

"Yeah, they got some big a-s bears up in these mountains."
(This quote was in response to the question "Are there any bears up here?" For the record, we do not have any bears in the San Jacinto Mountains.)

"She works hard during the day, but she don't help around camp. Somebody needs to say something to her."

(Mostly what I hear though is laughter. They are almost always laughing. It makes me want to go sign up with the CCC.)

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